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These are a few selected shots from shows designed between 2005 and 2017, my work in the classroom, and some examples of my Visual Art 2-D work over the years. 
Please click through each slide show and click on individual images for a full view .

Best Foot Forward



I am the  Producer, Artistic Director and former Technical Director for this annual all county performing arts event.  Each year up to 13 schools (on a rotation) participate by bringing performing arts acts in the past to NHHS Brogden hall and now to CFCC's Wilson Center and a 2-D Visual Art Exhibit to the Wilma Daniels Gallery. Each act with singing or instrumentation is prerecorded at a local Cape Fear  Studio and played back as they perform.  I coordinate technical needs for each act, call cues for the show, and supervise student techie vollunteers on follow spots and backstage. Sound Wave Audio brings in lights and sound equipment, and I coordinate designs with them during tech week. This event is now in its 26th year and going strong as a way to show the community what Arts can do in our schools. 

The Lion King Jr. 
Murray Middle School
Lighting Design and Theatre Management. 
This show was student run by both Middle and High School Students, and students apprenticed with myself and other teachers in multiple roles to learn theatre production techniques

American Idiot- Lighting Design/ Mentor to Tech Apprentices


Thalian Association Theatre

Thalian Hall Center for Performing Arts



This show, produced in a professional environment in a local downtown historic theater allowed tech students from all over the county to apprentice with me as I built the lighting design and work backstage during the show. This show was given 5 stars by reviewers and was almost entirely student run. 


Photos By Hannah Foy Photography and Eric Masch Photography

Les Miserables
(High School Edition)


Ashley High School Drama/Choral/Orchestra /Band

Minnie Evans Arts Center, 2012

This show was a collaboration between all of the performing arts classes at Ashley High School. The set was built and designed  by a local scenic shop in collaboration with me. I also directed, staged, and did the lighting design.  This show was student run with a few parent vollunteers to help with costumes, hair, and make-up.


All photos by Brendan Eastlick





By Jane Austen, 2015


The Children's Hour

By Lillian Hellman, 2014


The Tempest,

William Shakespeare, 2013
The Mouse That Roared
Our Town

Thorton Wilder, 2011


All of these shows were designed (lights, sound, set, makeup) by myself and executed by Ashley High School technical Theatre Students.  These were all student run productions as well. 





SHREK : The Musical

(High School Version)


Ashley High School Drama/Choral/Orchestra /Band

Minnie Evans Arts Center, 2015



This show was a collaboration by the AHS Arts Department. I was the Technical Director, Lighting Designer, Scenic Artist, and Staged the show with help from student techies.  The show was entired student run, and the set was built by Scenic Asylum in collaboration with my designs.  This was our first show where we both rented and built/painted our own backdrops. 


Ogre make-up was student designed and built, and costumes were designed and built by the Director (Jennifer Sugerik--Chorus) and Assistant Director (Mavis Schlickman). 





 The Nutcracker Ballet


 The Wilmington Ballet Company and Ashley High

  School Technical Theatre Program



    This production brought over 100 professional dancers from NC Ballet Company and both local and national ballet and gymnastics companies, together for one school field trip performance and 3 general public performances a year. 


The partnership between my tech classes and the Wilmington School of Ballet allowed for them to have a discounted performance space and for the Ashley Techies to have a professional show to run. Tech students worked deck, fly, spot, lights, sound, and props, and also helpped supervise the younger dancers. They also aided in Load-in and Load-out, and worked with local set and lighting designers. 

Murray Middle School Productions.

Minnie Evans Arts Center 2011-Present.

These shows were produced by the Murray Middle School Drama/Chorus Dept.  I provided Technical Direction and Lighting Designs. I also provided the sound engineering (moniter, mic, orchestra, house mixes) for the musicals. In addition, my intermediate students provided stage managment, fly operation, and follow spots for all shows. These are photos from a few of those productions.


All photos by Pamela Brodbeck

Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced Technical Theatre classroom

Ashley High School and Minnie Evans Arts Center, 2011-2013

 There are tabs for each of these class home pages above.


Intermediate Tech-  Students learn basic stage terms, equipment, careers in tech, theatre and film history, and build the Fall shows.


Proficient-Students learn basic drafting skills, color theory, and drawing/design fundamentals. They also learn and engage in projects for scenic design, scenic painting, lighting design, sound design, props design, and costume design.


Advanced- There are 6 slots each year in this section and students must apply to be accepted. These are the crew chiefs, who teach the intermediate crew along with myself in the Fall.



Big Dawg Productions

Thalian Hall Studio Theatre, Hannah Block USO Community Arts Building, Cape Fear Playhouse.


From 2005-2007 I began my stage management career with Big Dawg productions on shows like "Proof" (Dir. Mike O'Neil). I was the technical director for Big Dawg Productions from 2007-2009, in which time the company moved from performing at Thalian Hall (primarily) to building our own theatre in the historic district on Downtown Wilmington--The Cape Fear Playhouse. I aided in construction, permitting, etc. with the new building, and provided technical support for building the theatrical lighting and sound systems.  I also directed and designed several shows during this period. These photos are from a few of those shows.


All photos by Christy Grantham and Jacki Booth

Shakespeare on the Green Festival

Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre, Wilmington, NC

The Wilmington Cape Fear Shakespeare Festival provides the public with a free children's and adult Shakespeare performance for 4 weekends every Summer.


Along with stage managing ("The Merry Wives of Windsor" and "Much Adu About Nothing"-- Dir. Steve Vernon), I also aided in buying a lightweight lighting package, provided lighting designs, and acted as Master Electrician ("Much Adu About Nothing"--Dir. Lee Lorimore and Dir. Steve Vernon, "Love's Labours Lost"), and continue to provide technical support when needed each Summer.

Guerilla Theatre

Soapbox Laundro-Lounge, Browncoat Pub & Theatre, 2005-2007

A small non-profit company started by a few UNCW Theatre graduates, myself included, has grown to have it's own venue in Downtown Wilmington--following the mission statement of producing locally written works and Shakespeare as the backbone of their seasons.


I was a founding member, technical director, and Vice-President for the Board of Directors. We started producing shows on the 3rd floor of The Soap-Box, and then built a small basement space for ourselves with a bar shortly thereafter. I also provided lighting designs, house management, special FX make-up, and  ran the sound and lights for our opening season in which we produced 12 shows in 12 months.


Many of our photos have been lost; those pictured here are from our production of "Henry V" (Dir. Susan Auten)

Visual Artwork Portfolio



These are a few examples of some of the visual works I have done either in various Arts Programs in schools or in my own time. 

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